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Uses TwoCaptcha to solve Recaptcha (v2)
Enter in the requiredc parameter values and any optional overrrides
View other functions
Google site key value (REQUIRED)
Value of k or data-sitekey parameter you found on page, click
for additional help on how to find this value.
URL of source page (REQUIRED)
Full URL of the page where you see the ReCaptcha
Invisible Recaptcha? (REQUIRED)
1 - means that ReCaptcha is "invisible". 0 - normal ReCaptcha. For more information click
0 - normal ReCaptcha
1 - "invisible" ReCaptcha
TwoCaptcha API Key (OPTIONAL OVERRIDE) - default value = 26c65245880f5ccf0032cbc7631b8007
Access key for TwoCaptcha API
TwoCaptcha Proxy Option (OPTIONAL OVERRIDE) - true / false - default value = false
Specifies whether or not to provide a proxy for TwoCaptcha service to use.
Select a Proxy option if required for override.
false - does not send proxy information to TwoCaptcha
true - sends configured proxy information to TwoCaptcha
TwoCaptcha Proxy (OPTIONAL OVERRIDE) - the proxy host/port used when TwoCaptcha Proxy Option above is true.
Format: login:
[email protected]
:3128 You can find more info about proxies
TwoCaptcha Proxy Type (OPTIONAL OVERRIDE) default: HTTP
Type of your proxy: HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5
Select a ProxyType if required for override.
TwoCaptcha Return JSON (OPTIONAL OVERRIDE) default: 0
0 - server will send the response as plain text, 1 - tells the server to send the response as JSON
Select a Return JSON option if required for override.
0 - return plain text
1 - return JSON
Initial time to wait (OPTIONAL OVERRIDE), default = 10000
Time to wait (ms) before attempting to retrieve solution after submition (they recommend 10-20 seconds).
Max number of retries (OPTIONAL OVERRIDE)
Max number of attempts to retrieve ReCaptcha solution with configured delay between them, default = 20.
Time to wait between retries (OPTIONAL OVERRIDE)
Time to wait (ms) between ReCaptcha solution retrieval attempts, default = 5000.
Add pass-thru values